IR Local Alliance News
「100 Shakai Local Alliance」Promotional Stickers
100社会のPRステッカーを作成し、さらなる認知を広げる活動を進めてまいります。 店頭などにステッカーを貼ってくださる方を募集しております。 サイズは100mm×100mm...
“Local Alliance” wrapping on bus Osaka City.
"Local Alliance" bus wrapping revealed.Osaka Wonder Loop bus is now wrapped with the "Local Alliance" banner on its route around Osaka City.
Article related to “Local Alliance” published in the Mainichi Shimbun.
Mainichi Shimbun published an article relating to the "Local Alliance".
「100 Shakai Local Alliance」Promotional Stickers
100社会のPRステッカーを作成し、さらなる認知を広げる活動を進めてまいります。 店頭などにステッカーを貼ってくださる方を募集しております。 サイズは100mm×100mm...
“Local Alliance” wrapping on bus Osaka City.
"Local Alliance" bus wrapping revealed.Osaka Wonder Loop bus is now wrapped with the "Local Alliance" banner on its route around Osaka City.
Article related to “Local Alliance” published in the Mainichi Shimbun.
Mainichi Shimbun published an article relating to the "Local Alliance".
About IR Local Alliance
Our local community consists of businesses from various fields, all familiar with the tourism, culture and cities unique to the Kansai area. We are working to spread the charm of our region to the world together with the IR businesses in order to promote our local economy.

Once realized, it is not only about casinos but also international conference centers, exhibition halls, shopping malls, museums, recreational facilities, hotels, restaurants, cultural attractions and amusement facilities that will bring a wide variety of work opportunities to the local economy. With this creation of toursim inflows to the Kansai region, we strongly believe that local companies and businesses should be an integral part.

To accomplish our goals we are cooperating with people in the Kansai region who are supporting the “Local Alliance” agenda and aim to create an urban IR area with the charm of Kansai’s cultural and tourism resources at heart that appeal to overseas operators. Together we will shape the future of Kansai.
>”Local Alliance” Steps
“Local Alliance” Recruiting Companies
Strengths of the “Local Alliance”

Concept 1
Participation of local Osaka and Kansai companies

Concept 2
A resourceful group with the charm of Kansai
No. 3 Facilities

Concept 3
A group specialized in customer service facilities
No. 4 Facilites

“Local Alliance” Steps
Step 1
Inviting companies (type 3-4 facilities) with the charm of the Kansai area.
Inviting companies (type 3-4 facilities) with the charm of the Kansai area
Step 2
Leveraging the strengths of our member companies to provide solid planning.
Leveraging the strengths of our member companies to provide solid planning.
Step 3
Working with IR companies to bring the charm of Kansai to the world.
Working with IR companies to bring the charm of Kansai to the world.
“Local Alliance” – Member Companies & Organizations
About IR
Kansai Inbound Association
Kansai Inbound Association